Division or Unity?
It’s a Choice.

Heavenly Father,

Our nation has become polarized by 14% of its people, 8% on the extreme left and 6% on the extreme right, so the statistics say (source). The rest of the people are amenable to compromise and solving problems in a practical way.

Division or Unity?  It's a decision for each of us...

Help us to see what unites us rather than what divides us. Help even those who are strongly polarized to the left or right to see the goodness in each other. Help them to ask questions to understand the other person’s point of view instead of condemning them for their viewpoint.

Jesus taught us to stand up for what is right over what is expedient, but he certainly never raised his hand against any man, woman or child, even to those who crucified him. He forgave them. Those who would endanger the lives of their political opponents with bombs and firearms are not one with you Father. Help them to find their way back to you.

Help all Americans find forgiveness for each person they feel opposes them. This does not mean agreeing with them, but rather being able to appreciate their point of view and seeing the Christ in them however opacified by their pride, their anger, or their grief.

We can say “I don’t agree with that, but I see what you are thinking and feeling about it,” without vilifying the person. Help us to bless them instead and humbly pray that they see the truth, or that we learn the truth and live by it ourselves.

May we transcend our differences in order to more fully love one another. Your Son taught us “Love your enemies.” Help us to fulfill our promise to Him to be like Him, to act like Him, and find that same love for our political and other enemies.

In the name of, according to the teachings of, and in oneness with the spirit of Jesus Christ… Amen.

Photo courtesy of this Source.

P.S. If you would like spiritual counseling on anything of concern to you, feel free to reach me via the contact box and let’s talk… In the meantime, many blessings to you!

Resurrecting Ourselves as Children of God

Heavenly Father,

Easter has passed, and we remain grateful Father for the birth of Jesus of Nazareth and the priceless gift He made of His own life. He knew from the beginning what He was headed toward and still lived as an all loving being, a representation of You, incarnate. Help us to find such strength in ourselves no matter the challenges we face today, whether in health, finances or relationships that we may, as He did, transcend the negativity of our thinking.


Jesus Resurrected with Mary Magdalene
Jesus Resurrected with Mary Magdalene

You told us that we too are children of a living God. You are our Father as well as our Friend. Help us to remember You continually throughout the day as we serve You and the greatest good You guide us to do. Help us to notice when we have the sense of what is not right, so we may avoid bad choices, whatever they may be and turn to the light, to You, and higher consciousness.

These bad choices could be very subtle, but we know You are aware of those subtle differences between what is good and what is not. Help us to remain present and aware, so we may discern what You discern, and that we may avoid even the most subtle of traps of negativity. In doing so, we will turn away from subtle unkindness, subtle impatience, subtle judgment, and subtle forms of hatred of any kind whatsoever. We promise to do our best to notice not just the obvious transgressions against Your will, but also those subtle ones. We will look away no more.

Heavenly Father, today we promise, for this day, to stay aligned with your best wishes for us. And each day we promise to make the same choice again, and choose the resurrection of our souls from any hatred, that we may learn to be all loving as Jesus was and to forgive as He did to the very end…

In the name of, according to the teachings of, and in oneness with the spirit of Jesus Christ… Amen.

Photo kindly provided by Heinrich Hofmann from HERE.

Happy Thanksgiving! In Gratitude, Transcending Feelings of Lack

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for everything that You bring to us in life.  We have received so many blessings of health, prosperity and love that there are some we’ve never even paused to give thanks for, and yet Your blessings continue to flow.  Thank You for that Father, for Your patience with us as we seek to achieve the presence Jesus Christ taught us in “Let today’s own troubles be sufficient for the day.”  Help us to stay in this moment connected with You that we may receive all of the blessings of Your love.

Happy Thanksgiving
Giving thanks and transcending lack…

Help us to not only recognize, and bring presence and thanks to the good in our lives, but also to that which we consider to be “bad.”  Even if there is at this time the appearance of lack in any way – in health, in prosperity, or in love – we know these conditions come and go.  Some of us feel lack in one or more of these areas of life, but we know You bring these lessons to us to strengthen us, to increase our faith in You and that any feeling of lack is temporary in our lives.  For this reason, help us to learn at the depths of our souls that every experience we have is a lesson provided by You through your laws.  Every bit of lack we feel is a test of our faith in You and our resolve to practice and demonstrate the lessons taught by Jesus in our own lives.

Give us the wisdom to face the lack in our lives with all of our strength, all of our will, and all of our love, and know that with our faith in You, we will vanquish all lack or learn to live with peace in our hearts regardless.  Yes, we realize that it is not the end of lack in our lives itself that brings us peace, but the end of the “feeling of lack” giving way to peace itself that allows us to be loving and in oneness with You despite what we appear to lack.  And in accepting lack as it is, while asking from a center of peace for what we would like, what we need often appears as a blessing from you.  Thank You Father for these blessings!

But regardless Father, know our intention here and now is to resolve to be loving and happy despite anything we may lack.  We receive every good thing and every life shaping experience emboldened by our faith in You.  And we give thanks for all You provide…

In the name of, according to the teachings of, and in oneness with the spirit of Jesus Christ… Amen.

P.S. I am grateful for your presence here.  If you need guidance in transcending feelings of lack, please be in touch via the contact box below…


Thanks for the photo to Faith Goble: https://www.flickr.com/photos/grafixer/  The picture is located HERE.

Happy Thanksgiving


Asking for and Receiving Healing

Heavenly Father,

My body may tell me otherwise through my senses, but I know your plan for me is health and wholeness until the day I leave this planet and give up my human form.  On that day I will leave my body behind as if it were an old coat, grateful for the life you have given me.

I was told you made us in your image Father, and that image is perfect.  I know disease does not reflect my natural state.

Jesus Healing Paralytic
If the power of God as expressed by Jesus allowed him to heal paralysis, why not you?

I need not beg for my health, because as Jesus taught, a father naturally and generously gives his child what is needed when asked for it by the child.

I was also told that as I ask, I shall receive and this is not dependent on my being good versus bad in the past, but, rather, on the extent of my love now and upon my willingness to accept my healing NOW in faith.  I ask you to help me to strengthen my faith, so I can be healed to the greatest extent possible.

I affirm as your Son instructed us to ask and receive:

“I ask for and receive my healing from you, Father, NOW as it serves the highest good. “

Thank you for this healing Father.

I am very grateful that the grace of your healing is ever present, and I only need ask for it in faith to receive it, from You, my Father.

I ask for healing.  I receive healing.  I am grateful.

In the name of, according to the teachings of, and in oneness with the spirit of Jesus Christ…. Amen.

P.S. Please repeat the healing lines above gently and feel the truth of them.  Sit quietly and meditate on the truth of each line until you feel a sense of quiet.  That will expand your faith that you can and will be healed.   If you need guidance for healing, please be in touch via the contact box below…

Photo thanks to PCStratman on Flicker: HERE

How Jesus Died for Our Sins and What Our Job Is Now

Jesus, in dying on the cross, taught us several lessons.  First, he demonstrated the ability to re-inhabit his body.   In doing so, he showed us that regardless of our circumstances, things are not likely worse than they were for him that day on the cross.  In any case, if he could overcome that suffering, so can we overcome our own suffering.   There is nothing that we are not able to face through God.   Nothing.

There is also nothing for which we cannot be forgiven.  Nothing.  The fact that Jesus asked God to forgive those who tortured and killed him was testimony to that.  How many of us could have a pure heart toward those who had just put us on a cross?  Quite a test of love wasn’t it?

Jesus also died for our sins to relieve us of some of our karma as a people and individually.  Many spiritual leaders have been known to do this to help raise their followers to a higher consciousness and Jesus was a stellar if not the highest example of this practice.  When I wrote this, I had many strong reactions of course, but the truth will set you free eventually if you are willing to consider thoughts other than those you’ve been programmed with since birth.

Whatever karma Jesus absolved us of, there is still work for every non-realized human being on this planet to do.   “Full realization” refers to being completely aligned with Jesus and God, who are One.   Raising one’s consciousness is an ongoing practice.  Whatever is left, you can bring to a place of forgiveness and transcend it.   You may or may not need to make amends in the world to get past your remaining karma.  We are responsible for our remaining “stuff.”  Jesus’ gift was not and is not the end of one’s individual journey to higher consciousness/love.  So say you were saved, sure, but get to work to save yourself the rest of the way.   Being “saved” is a starting point, but it is not the end.  Until you love ALL your enemies including ALL negative feelings and thoughts, you are not truly saved.  You are saved in the sense that you have the opportunity to “get it.”  But if you don’t, you are not doing your part in participating in the saving process.

Some so-called “spiritual” people, whom I count as friends on the spiritual path, do not want to think that someone else might help them along the path to higher consciousness.  In my opinion, which is not intellectually, but spiritually informed, the fact is that someone else CAN help you overcome your karma, and Jesus did that for each of us.  For that, I am grateful.

And now I’ll return to my personal job of “being saved” in alignment with, according to the word of, and in the spirit of Jesus Christ.  As “God” said in “Bruce Almighty,” “Now that’s a good prayer.”

How Jesus Died for Our Sins

The picture was taken by: Argya Diptya

© Copyright 2015 By Universal Ideas, LLC. All rights reserved.

Spiraling UP One On One

We will continue meeting in a group setting at a future date if called for, but in the meantime, please contact me directly for spiritual healing and guidance if you have registered via the “Join Our Calls” tab above.  You may donate in accordance to what you feel you have received in such a session.  Simply send me a message via the “Contact David” tab above if you would like to speak with me 1:1. 
Spiraling up
We’ll spiral up together…one on one.

I am generally available from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 4 pm – 7 pm Monday through  Saturday.  Contact me by email through the “Contact David” tab above, if there is something urgent that comes up during off hours or on Sunday.

The picture of “Heals Stairway” above was kindly provided by
Craig Morey.

© Copyright 2015 By Universal Ideas, LLC. All rights reserved.

Confused? Learn How to Reproducibly Access Your Intuition And Get Answers (Recording Now Available)

A recording is now available, which you can access by first clicking on “Join Our Calls” above and registering, and then sending me a reply email or message through the contact tab above to request it.  The recording is just 20 minutes long and focuses on the powerful series of six steps to take to make any decision about your life.

This is a powerful supplement to the service done earlier on “Awareness” in which I shared a simple method of transcendence toward the end of the recording.  The strength of the current recording is that it lays out the steps in a very simple way.  Six steps and you can be clear on any issue.

Are you confused about something in your life?  Have a major decision to make and you are not sure what to do?   What if you knew how to reproducibly contact your intuition and know that that intuition was correct?  That would make life’s major decisions more powerful wouldn’t it?  Life would be easier wouldn’t it?

If you would like to learn how to actually do this, step by step in the highest consciousness, which we call “Christ Consciousness,” then please join me for this Saturday’s session (Jan. 17th) here:

Click Here to Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

Confusion-Bart Everson

What if you had a way to resolve confusion and make the best decision every time?

On the other hand if you want to roam the planet in search of answers in a state of frustration never feeling that you know what you should be doing and when, then skip it! ; )  How do you think that Jesus knew to leave various towns JUST before the authorities were about to pounce on him?  He was guided by God’s knowing that he accessed through his own high consciousness.  You are told by Jesus that you should be able to do what he did or “even greater things.”  That is straight from scripture.  Yet, we often live on this planet in a state confusion, of not knowing.  And there is no reason to remain in this ignorance.

Remember that it is your ability to get clear around a question that enables you to know what to do.  That clarity requires spiritual knowledge and maturity and oddly enough it is not taught routinely in churches.  It is in this Church, this Saturday at 11 am ET.

Click the link to finally learn how to “get clear” about major decisions: Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

“See” you soon!

The picture of “Every Which Way” was kindly provided by
Bart Everson.

© Copyright 2015 By Universal Ideas, LLC. All rights reserved.

Healing Anything in Christ Consciousness. (Recording Now Available)

A recording of the session in which I spell out the Eight Steps in healing anything in your life in health, wealth, or finances (the demonstration is with a health issue) is now available.  I call it “The DNA of Healing Anything” all based on principles taught by Jesus, the greatest healer this planet has witnessed.

You will be able to use this recording to heal any symptom in your body for the rest of your life or your money back as they say!  Actually, I take donations according to what you believe you have received to support this work, so affordability is not the issue is it?   Simply sign up under the “Join Our Calls” tab to the above right and send me a message through the Contact tab to request this recording.  I’ll then email you back a DropBox link from which you can download the MP3 file.

The issue is this “Would you accept healing from Jesus himself if he were to appear before you today?”  This is one such opportunity for healing.  I obviously come to you as myself, but empowered to share with you what God has given me to understand.  It is the power that flows through me that does the work.  And the power of the work flows through the recording.

Jesus never ran over to someone in suffering and healed him or her.  They had to come to him.  It’s a small step of faith that takes you from your symptoms to your healing.  Will you take it?

Would you now decide to “Join Our Calls” (see tab above) and accept your healing?  Please sign up through the link at the top of that page and let me know that you want the recording.

This was the prior posting of this event:

The focus of this week’s interactive service will be on doing individual healing work with you on health, wealth, or finances, your choice.   We will be reviewing all the essential principles from the last six services in one, but it will be an interactive event! There is nothing like demonstrating truth to prove it out.

Click Here to Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

Ducks in a row by Ken Goh

Let’s get our ducks in a row in regard to the major teachings shared over the past six weeks while we heal!

Bring whatever you need to heal in your life, and we’ll heal it together in Christ Consciousness, the highest place of healing, at this Saturday’s service at 11 AM Eastern time on the 8th of January.

Click Here to Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

The beautiful picture is from Ken Goh

© Copyright 2015 By Universal Ideas, LLC. All rights reserved.

Reaching Your Goals in Christ Consciousness: How is This Done? (Recording Now Available)

If you would like the MP3 file of the recording from this service, simply register with the Church if you have not yet done so (see the “Join Our Calls” tab at the top) and then send me a message via the contact tab (also on the navigation bar), requesting the recording.

After you’ve listened, please consider making a donation in accordance to what you feel you received. Donations are greatly appreciated, since they support this work. If you have questions about the recordings, please feel free to email me through the contact tab, and we can connect by phone as well if needed.

The topic of this week’s interactive service was about reaching goals in Christ Consciousness just as Jesus taught us to do:

Goals: The missing element


Ending Procrastination, the killer of our dreams.

Click Here to Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

Reaching Goals
Reaching our goals while creating only positive karma takes one key element.

The fact that someone has high-energy, is very focused, doesn’t procrastinate, and takes decisive action does not mean that s/he is good. Hitler did all those things and was “evil incarnate.” Jesus did all those things as well and was “love incarnate.” What is the key element that must be present in all written goals to prevent all negative karma from arising in our lives? We will answer that question Saturday morning.

Most vision boards are exercises in ego and selfishness when they don’t take this “missing element” into account.

We’ll also discuss the key to accomplishing all goals. Why do we sometimes sit for years with certain goals and never accomplish them?

In our live exercise together, we will use this key to unlock the success of our 2015 goals!

These questions and more will be answered in this Saturday’s service at 11 AM Eastern time on the 3rd of January.

Click Here to Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

“See” you soon!


 The beautiful picture is from Joooly_93

© Copyright 2015 By Universal Ideas, LLC. All rights reserved.

A Key “Healing Secret” Revealed (Recording Now Available)

On December 20th, 2014 during the interactive service, we discussed a major healing secret that can be applied to healing across one’s life.   What if healing were as easy as walking around that brick wall in the picture and receiving an answer? 

Luckily, you can now access it by simply joining the Church and requesting the recording from me by messaging me through this site’s contact box.  No payment is required to join the Church.  Donations are requested if you attend services or request recordings, as this supports the Church.

You can find out more and sign up here: Join Our Virtual Church and request a Recording. 

A Major Healing Secret is Revealed
What if you could simply walk around that brick wall and find out how to heal any situation in your life? Would you trust the invitation and accept your healing?

In this service, I take you through the healing process, which you can then apply to your own personal situation.  If you have questions once you’ve listened to the recording, please contact me by email through the contact box of this site, and we’ll speak by phone as well if needed.

During each service, we also spend time in communion with Jesus and God.  You may or may not have experienced Jesus or God in this way, but it is authentically Christian.  See what you may have missed.  Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am. That’s what Jesus told us!

You can also find out more here and sign up for the next call which will be on January 3rd, 2015: Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

Photo from: Jacinta Hope called Shhh!