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Division or Unity?
It’s a Choice.

Heavenly Father,

Our nation has become polarized by 14% of its people, 8% on the extreme left and 6% on the extreme right, so the statistics say (source). The rest of the people are amenable to compromise and solving problems in a practical way.

Division or Unity?  It's a decision for each of us...

Help us to see what unites us rather than what divides us. Help even those who are strongly polarized to the left or right to see the goodness in each other. Help them to ask questions to understand the other person’s point of view instead of condemning them for their viewpoint.

Jesus taught us to stand up for what is right over what is expedient, but he certainly never raised his hand against any man, woman or child, even to those who crucified him. He forgave them. Those who would endanger the lives of their political opponents with bombs and firearms are not one with you Father. Help them to find their way back to you.

Help all Americans find forgiveness for each person they feel opposes them. This does not mean agreeing with them, but rather being able to appreciate their point of view and seeing the Christ in them however opacified by their pride, their anger, or their grief.

We can say “I don’t agree with that, but I see what you are thinking and feeling about it,” without vilifying the person. Help us to bless them instead and humbly pray that they see the truth, or that we learn the truth and live by it ourselves.

May we transcend our differences in order to more fully love one another. Your Son taught us “Love your enemies.” Help us to fulfill our promise to Him to be like Him, to act like Him, and find that same love for our political and other enemies.

In the name of, according to the teachings of, and in oneness with the spirit of Jesus Christ… Amen.

Photo courtesy of this Source.

P.S. If you would like spiritual counseling on anything of concern to you, feel free to reach me via the contact box and let’s talk… In the meantime, many blessings to you!

How Jesus Died for Our Sins and What Our Job Is Now

Jesus, in dying on the cross, taught us several lessons.  First, he demonstrated the ability to re-inhabit his body.   In doing so, he showed us that regardless of our circumstances, things are not likely worse than they were for him that day on the cross.  In any case, if he could overcome that suffering, so can we overcome our own suffering.   There is nothing that we are not able to face through God.   Nothing.

There is also nothing for which we cannot be forgiven.  Nothing.  The fact that Jesus asked God to forgive those who tortured and killed him was testimony to that.  How many of us could have a pure heart toward those who had just put us on a cross?  Quite a test of love wasn’t it?

Jesus also died for our sins to relieve us of some of our karma as a people and individually.  Many spiritual leaders have been known to do this to help raise their followers to a higher consciousness and Jesus was a stellar if not the highest example of this practice.  When I wrote this, I had many strong reactions of course, but the truth will set you free eventually if you are willing to consider thoughts other than those you’ve been programmed with since birth.

Whatever karma Jesus absolved us of, there is still work for every non-realized human being on this planet to do.   “Full realization” refers to being completely aligned with Jesus and God, who are One.   Raising one’s consciousness is an ongoing practice.  Whatever is left, you can bring to a place of forgiveness and transcend it.   You may or may not need to make amends in the world to get past your remaining karma.  We are responsible for our remaining “stuff.”  Jesus’ gift was not and is not the end of one’s individual journey to higher consciousness/love.  So say you were saved, sure, but get to work to save yourself the rest of the way.   Being “saved” is a starting point, but it is not the end.  Until you love ALL your enemies including ALL negative feelings and thoughts, you are not truly saved.  You are saved in the sense that you have the opportunity to “get it.”  But if you don’t, you are not doing your part in participating in the saving process.

Some so-called “spiritual” people, whom I count as friends on the spiritual path, do not want to think that someone else might help them along the path to higher consciousness.  In my opinion, which is not intellectually, but spiritually informed, the fact is that someone else CAN help you overcome your karma, and Jesus did that for each of us.  For that, I am grateful.

And now I’ll return to my personal job of “being saved” in alignment with, according to the word of, and in the spirit of Jesus Christ.  As “God” said in “Bruce Almighty,” “Now that’s a good prayer.”

How Jesus Died for Our Sins

The picture was taken by: Argya Diptya

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