Category Archives: Presence

Happy Thanksgiving! In Gratitude, Transcending Feelings of Lack

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for everything that You bring to us in life.  We have received so many blessings of health, prosperity and love that there are some we’ve never even paused to give thanks for, and yet Your blessings continue to flow.  Thank You for that Father, for Your patience with us as we seek to achieve the presence Jesus Christ taught us in “Let today’s own troubles be sufficient for the day.”  Help us to stay in this moment connected with You that we may receive all of the blessings of Your love.

Happy Thanksgiving
Giving thanks and transcending lack…

Help us to not only recognize, and bring presence and thanks to the good in our lives, but also to that which we consider to be “bad.”  Even if there is at this time the appearance of lack in any way – in health, in prosperity, or in love – we know these conditions come and go.  Some of us feel lack in one or more of these areas of life, but we know You bring these lessons to us to strengthen us, to increase our faith in You and that any feeling of lack is temporary in our lives.  For this reason, help us to learn at the depths of our souls that every experience we have is a lesson provided by You through your laws.  Every bit of lack we feel is a test of our faith in You and our resolve to practice and demonstrate the lessons taught by Jesus in our own lives.

Give us the wisdom to face the lack in our lives with all of our strength, all of our will, and all of our love, and know that with our faith in You, we will vanquish all lack or learn to live with peace in our hearts regardless.  Yes, we realize that it is not the end of lack in our lives itself that brings us peace, but the end of the “feeling of lack” giving way to peace itself that allows us to be loving and in oneness with You despite what we appear to lack.  And in accepting lack as it is, while asking from a center of peace for what we would like, what we need often appears as a blessing from you.  Thank You Father for these blessings!

But regardless Father, know our intention here and now is to resolve to be loving and happy despite anything we may lack.  We receive every good thing and every life shaping experience emboldened by our faith in You.  And we give thanks for all You provide…

In the name of, according to the teachings of, and in oneness with the spirit of Jesus Christ… Amen.

P.S. I am grateful for your presence here.  If you need guidance in transcending feelings of lack, please be in touch via the contact box below…


Thanks for the photo to Faith Goble:  The picture is located HERE.

Happy Thanksgiving


“Being”: Your Connection with God. (Recording Now Available)

Mary and Jesus Nativity Scene
Mary with the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.


The recording of the following is available simply by joining the Church (no fee required) and requesting the recording through the contact tab of the website and making a donation to support the Church’s existence.  Whatever you feel it was worth to you either when you first hear it and/or after as you see the benefits of it is a perfect donation.

“This week as we approach Christmas we will explore the idea of pure “Being.”  It is the highest energy you can be in, the highest state of connectedness with God.

You can find out more and sign up here: Be at Our Virtual Church by phone on Saturday, 11 am ET- noon ET

We will address questions such as:

What is your natural state of “Being”?

How can you tell if you are in your “Beingness”?

How can you live in a state of pure “Being,” fully connected with God?

What can you do if you fall out of the natural state of “Being?”

We will then do specific exercises to look at what is in the way of our being in our Beingness so to speak, which means fully aligned with God, and we’ll get back in touch with God in the process.

We’ll also spend time in communion with Jesus and God. You may or may not have experienced Jesus or God in this way, but it is authentically Christian.  See what you may have missed.  Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am. That’s what the man said!

So come and prepare your spirit for the arrival of Christmas, so it has more meaning for you than ever before…

You can find out more here and sign up: Join Our Calls Sat 11 am ET- noon ET

Photo from: Mary with the baby Jesus in Bethlehem